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Men's ministry of Grace Community Church

follows the principle of Proverbs 27:17, "As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another." God has placed the mantle of leadership for the church and our families on men, so it is especially important that men who follow Christ continue to sharpen each other. There are several ways to get involved in the Men's ministry of Grace.

For the most up to date information about the Men's Ministry, please contact the church office.

The Guard

The Guard meets on the FIRST Saturday of the month at 7:30AM for a time of fellowship and learning. Over a light breakfast, the men of the Guard enjoy a relaxing morning of fun, fellowship, and biblical teaching.

The Men's ministry holds various service projects throughout the year to assist the ministry of the church in tangible ways. Some of the service projects are helping with the logistics of various church events and outreaches and maintaining the church facilities and grounds.

The Men's ministry also participates in retreats. Retreats give men a weekend to rest from work and family and focus solely on their relationship with Jesus Christ. The weekend retreat also provides a great opportunity for men to impact one another.